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Covid tests imposed in Paris for unvaccinated Eurostar arrivals
A strict new regime for non fully-vaccinated people arriving at Gare du Nord has been imposed due to concerns about the new AY.4.2 variant
All unvaccinated passengers arriving at the Gare du Nord on the Eurostar will now be tested for Covid on arrival and be subject to an obligatory 10-day quarantine if testing positive.
The measures reinforce those already in place for unvaccinated people arriving from ‘orange’ listed countries such as the UK, which include the possibility of random Covid checks being carried out on arrival and the request for all arrivals to undertake a voluntary seven-day isolation period. They must also present ‘essential reasons’ for the trip.
However under the new scheme specific to the Gare du Nord all passengers arriving without proof of full vaccination will be directed to a test centre in the station.
Anyone who tests positive will be subject to a prefectural decree imposing an obligation of a 10-day quarantine. This means that if the person is found to have not respected self-isolation rules they could be fined up to €1,500.
According to the local prefecture of police, the rules are being imposed by French government order due to a recent resurgence of Covid in the UK, and in particular the AY.4.2 version of the Delta variant, which is said to be more transmissible.
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