Letters: Here is a cheap way for second-home owners to get internet in France
Connexion reader suggests a flexible and cost-effective alternative to a fixed contract
Letters: I was a victim of number plate fraud in France - twice
A Connexion reader gives advice on how to appeal against unjustified fines
Letters: A bande dessinée helped me understand a serious issue in France
Reader shows how the French culture of graphic novels is useful as well as enjoyable
Discuss: Ariège farm makes foie gras without ‘gavage’
You said it - Here is a selection of recent popular subjects and readers’ comments...
“We don’t need any animal products to live, so why not choose a kind life. I despair of the human race.” M.D.
“I like foie gras, it’s delicious, am I going to change my mind because of how it’s made? Not on your nelly!” M.E.
“Ban it NOW, cruel and unnecessary.” S.D.
“A lot of animal husbandry practices are questionable, I suppose becoming a vegan is the only way to fully object to the way we treat our food producing animals.” M.B.
“No no no! Why eat a diseased animal part? Faux Gras all the way! Delicious, nutritious and cruelty free!” E.K.R