London-France Eurostar ends biometric check-in as station prepares for Entry-Exit System
The service has been in place since July 2023
PHOTOS: Stunning French sunsets and sunrises - but why is the sky so red?
This magnificent weather phenomenon is particularly common in winter
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The declaration is intended to help European judges and MPs to ‘build reasoning’ when considering future animal welfare cases
Dramatic orange skies in France caused by Sahara sand
In several cities around the country, such as Toulouse, Lyon and Grenoble, the sky has taken on a yellow-orange lustre
A meteorological phenomenon has turned the sky an ominous orange in several areas of France this Saturday (February 6), with many people posting impressive pictures of it on social media.
The effect is due to a storm in the northeast of Morocco causing sand from the Sahara Desert to be whipped up into the air, which is then carried over to France, weather channel La Chaîne Météo explained.
It is an annual phenomenon but is not usually as dramatic as today.
#tempête de #sable au nord-est du Maroc, avec des vents soufflant à plus de 100 km/h en altitude, et des températures localement proches de 27°C. Ce sable remonte déjà vers la France. 📷Nabil Kaichouh pic.twitter.com/TcEg1dXAUZ
— La Chaîne Météo (@lachainemeteo) February 5, 2021
Several observers in France posted pictures of the skies above them to social media.
The effect was seen across large parts of France, from Lyon to Grenoble to Toulouse.
📸🟨 Phénomène naturel garanti sans filtre.
— Préfète de région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et du Rhône (@prefetrhone) February 6, 2021
Un puissant flux de sud transporte le sable du #sahara ce qui rend la couleur du #ciel particulière aujourd’hui à #Lyon et dans le reste du département. pic.twitter.com/g44FDzAeQd
Ça doit venir des sables du Sahara... dans la ville d’Oran en Algérie ça donne ça.... pic.twitter.com/1cYBlnu1rT
— Memnet101 (@Memnet101) February 6, 2021
😮 #Ciel orangé également visible sur une partie Centre-Est ainsi que du côté de #Toulouse.
— Météo-France (@meteofrance) February 6, 2021
📸 @GLaulau3 et @Meteo_Pyrenees #sable #sahara https://t.co/zcus3LCqh5 pic.twitter.com/Hou4Xztr3h