English and easy-read French lockdown travel forms available

You must carry an exemption form (a ttestation de déplacement ) every time you are out and about until at least December 1, but it comes in several kinds

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The obligatory exemption forms for going out can optionally be printed out in English-language or 'easy-read' versions.

All the form versions are available here, including the English one (as a Word document only) and the easy-read one called FALC, meaning facile à lire et comprendre.

Compared to the standard version the latter uses simplified language and is illustrated with pictograms, ie. simple pictures representing people and the workplace or study etc.

It comes as strict limits have been imposed on people's movements for the second time in a year in France in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Since October 30 anyone leaving the house has needed to complete a paper or digital form explaining their reason for doing so and carry it with them. The forms will remain obligatory until at least December 1, the current end date of the restrictions

This time the different forms include the main one as well as a professional one to be used by employees going to and coming from work and - with schools open this time - one for school-related reasons for leaving home.

As in spring, acceptable reasons for leaving the house include going to work, medical appointments, caring for others, shopping for essentials or exercising in areas close to home.

This time they also include taking children to school and picking them up.

Professionals who need to be out and about on business can download the professional form, that should be stamped by their employers, if they need to go to work and cannot work from home. The self-employed needing to be out and about for work should use the main exemption form.

Read more: How will France’s new lockdown be different from spring?