EU election: Far Right way ahead in rolling poll of intention to vote in France

The vote for members of the European Parliament takes place in June

Leader of French far-right Rassemblement National party Jordan Bardella with Marine Le Pen
28-year-old Jordan Bardella’s far-right Rassemblement National has a clear lead in the polls
Published Last updated

European parliamentary elections are to be held from June 6 - 9 - we look at the intention to vote in France in a rolling poll, which will update every two days.

The poll shows data from April 8, highlighting changes in recent weeks. It will continue to update until the election date.

France will elect 81 MEPs who will join MEPs from other countries to form coalitions in the European Parliament, the largest of which - until now - has been the centre-right EPP.

From left to right-wing: the coalitions of MEPs in the European Parliament

The previous European Parliamentary elections in 2019 saw a turnout of 50.1% in France (51% across the EU)**.

The leading parties in France put forward lists of candidates who are allocated seats in the EU Parliament according to their party’s proportion of the total vote.

Read more: ‘Brexit: no-one else dares speak of leaving’: President Macron 

What are the main French political parties?

The far-left Parti Communiste Français (Communist party) - led by Fabien Roussel

The left-wing La France Insoumise - led by Mathilde Panot

The centre-left coalition:

  • Parti socialiste - led by Olivier Faure

  • Place publique - led by Raphaël Glucksmann

The centre-left Les Ecologistes or Europe Ecologie Les Verts (Green party) - led by Marine Tondelier

The government’s centrist coalition, which includes

  • Renaissance (formerly En Marche!) - the party created by Emmanuel Macron

  • MoDem (Mouvement démocrate) - François Bayrou

  • Horizons - lead by former prime minister Edouard Philippe

The centre-right Les Républicains - led by Eric Ciotti

The far-right Rassemblement National - lead by Jordan Bardella

The far-right Reconquête - led by Eric Zemmour

What do the polls say?

The Rassemblement National, led by 28-year-old Jordan Bardella is ahead in the polls. His campaign has concentrated on immigration and ‘economic sovereignty’. 

Mr Bardella replaced Marine Le Pen as the party’s leader in 2022, however she is still the party’s president in the French parliament.

Click on the party names below to add or remove them from this interactive rolling poll.

Around 358.9million EU citizens are eligible to vote for their representatives in the European Parliament, states the European statistics bureau Eurostat.

The EU’s 27 member states each vote for their share of the 720 members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who are allocated to countries by population size.

*Rolling poll with aggregated data from previous two-days of 1,500 French adults by LCI, Le Figaro and Sud Radio.

** Data from French statistics bureau Insee.