Explore French museums for free this Saturday evening

Giant game of Cluedo, escape games and many other unique events on offer as over 1,000 museums stay open late for La Nuit Européennes des Musées

The Centre Pompidou in Metz is one of over 1,000 museums celebrating the Night at the Museums
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Museums across France and Europe will be open for free and hosting a night of special exhibitions, projections and tours for the 20th edition of the La Nuit Européennes des Musées (European Night at the Museums) this Saturday evening (May 18).

In total 3,400 museums in Europe, including over 1,300 in France, will be open for exploration. 

The Culture Ministry has provided an interactive map here to see possible options near you. There are museums open in every big city in France.

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What are museums organising? 

Each museum organises its own celebration of the event, which may be just allowing access to the exhibitions at a later time than usual, but there are also unique events - here is our selection.

  • Musée de Cerdagne, Sainte-Léocadie (Pyrénées-Orientales)

The Musée de Cerdagne is hosting a giant version of Cluedo, where visitors must try and solve the mystery of who killed Viguier de Cerdagne, a representative of the king. It lasts for two hours and booking is recommended.

  • Musée Zadkine, 6th Arrondissement, Paris

Dedicated to the Russian sculptor Ossip Zadkine, you can visit a special exhibition for this year’s Olympic Games named Le Corps en Jeu(x) (The body at play), which explores the theme of the body in movement. The visit then ends in the garden workshop. 

  • Micro-Folie de Sablé, Sablé (Sarthe)

The Micro-Folie of Sablé is organising a special exhibition from 14:00 to 22:00 which promises to help you ‘discover art in another way’. The interactive day will include games, quizzes and even a blind test at the end. 

  • Reims (Marne) 

Six museums will be open from 20:00 to 23:45. These will organise specific exhibitions for the event, with a focus on the Olympic Games but also covering most periods of the history of Reims across a variety of different themes. 

  • Centre Pompidou, Metz (Moselle)

The Centre Pompidou in Metz will be opening for tours, concerts and other activities. It will be the chance to see the 77 metre high arrow protruding from the top of the museum against a starry sky. 

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  • Musée de Millau et des Grands Causses, Millau (Aveyron)

From 18:00 to 00:00, explore the rich heritage and cultural history of Millau at its museum. There will be projections, workshops and special collections, spanning modern art, Greek mythology and the dinosaurs. 

  • Musée du Château de Mayenne (Mayenne)

A musical night is on the agenda at the Château de Mayenne. Local artist Mazarin is organising three concerts with some surprises in store, the Conservatory of Mayenne will be playing some of the most emblematic music from video games and various string instruments will be exceptionally showcased, taken from the museum’s vaults. 

  • Musée de la Céramique, Lezoux (Puy-de-Dôme)

The Musée de la Céramique is offering a night of games and interaction, including Virtual Reality, escape rooms and sensory exhibits.