Favourite monument in France: which won the 2024 contest?
The rather unusual ‘monument’ won out over chateaux, a villa, and grand gardens
France’s favourite? Clockwise from top left: The Domaine de Trévarez, the Le Mans circuit, the Parc de Saleccia, and the Saline Royale d'Arc-et-SenansTraveller70 / ricochet64 / ESTELLE R / LI SEN / Shutterstock
The iconic Le Mans race track has won the title of the 2024 France’s Favourite Monument, beating other nominees including three chateaux, a Rothschild villa, and a botanical garden.
The winning monument was announced on the France 3 TV show of the same name, presented by Stéphane Bern, on September 18. The show is part of a series that also includes France’s Favourite Village.
Le Mans circuit (Pays de la Loire) is home to one of the most famous races in the world: the motorsport endurance event 24 Hours of Le Mans.
The circuit (and race) is so iconic that even the intricacies of the track are well-known, including the Mulsanne and Dunlop Chicanes, the Hanaudières straight, and the Tertre Rouge peak. The track also has a museum on site.