Many Société Générale customers to be charged additional fees from April
There is some good news for international banking and instant transfers, however
Why gas prices in France are rising in April - and by how much
It comes after six consecutive monthly rises. Try these tips to reduce your bills
New notaire data suggests easing of Paris property crisis
Property experts have talked of ‘easing pressure’ and ‘breathing space’ after a four-year slump
February edition of Connexion available now
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The February edition of Connexion is now on its way to subscribers and will be available in shops from this weekend.
Subscribe today and have immediate access to the electronic version. Your printed copies with start with the March edition. If you subscribe before midnight on January 31, you will receive a free Currency Helpguide worth €7.50
Non-subscribers can order a pdf version of Connexion today via this link, while subscribers receive the electronic version free of charge, along with access to all online articles, including any that are behind a paywall.
Highlights this month include:
The post-Brexit future for Britons living in France
Brexit has cost community conscious Britons their place on local councils in France
UK remains part of the European family, insist MEPs
11-month race for an EU-UK deal starts in February
Other news
Mistakes in roll-out of new bac sparks anger
Charbonnay - the new French wine grown on an old coalmine slagheap
Voices of holocaust survivors keep historic horror alive
French airports in limbo after UK's controversial Flybe rescue deal
Hypno lessons aim to boost French language learning
Two bises or four? Even the French get it wrong!
Debate raging around the age of consent in France
90kph speed limit returns to roads in one French department
Binge-drinking habit on the rise in France
France pays homage to its satirical press
The truth of France's new 'free' glasses scheme
Makes sense of Maisons de services
Beef up your knowledge of French meat
CCIs are there to help
How to find out if your fibre-optic internet is coming to your corner of France
Can I keep my carte vitale if I move back to the UK?
Branded medicines now only reimbursed at price of generic
Why levies on some new cars are higher than others in France?
If you have no TV at your French home, you don't need a licence
Why are anti-depressant pills free, but psychologist sessions are not?
Steps you can take to make holidaymakers wifi-happy
Counter the cost of investing both on you and the planet
Connexion reader wins a €1,200 social charges refund
Hot properties: historic French firebacks are a grate investment
Can we put French house into an SCI and include our son?
Tax rates for 2019 income in France
Make sure finances for your life in France are Brexit-proof
France sets new property sales record as house prices rise
... But foreign buyers are in decline in France
Property watch: Grand Est
How to store all that winter rainwater to use in the next French drought
New site makes finding an architect easy
The future is building with glorious, good wood
Done respectfully, even 'D-Day Land' could be a fitting tribute
Why even the idea of a Royal bid for the French presidency in 2022 worries Macron and Le Pen
No, France really isn't as impossible to reform as it appears
Why I won't follow fellow Brits in France who decide to spend their winters in Spain
2020 is the start of a new relationship between the EU and Britain
French star Omar Sy to play gentleman thief in new Netflix series
Little-known life and times of one of France’s greatest action women
Bordeaux’s rich past recreated in virtually all its historic glory
How to lunch like a Parisian
Start your engines for a tour of France's motoring heritage
Interview: After 35 years in baby business, French midwife has many tales of the unexpected to tell
The secrets of the Yorkshire mill worker who broke the bank at Monte Carlo
French right-to-die activist plans to live a little longer
Cathar reality vs modern tourist myths
France has world’s only chapel dedicated to rugby
Try publishing in French, too, self-publishers advised
How a remote mountain village in southeast France transformed into ski nirvana
Interview: Meet the creator of France’s newest national park
+ Bilingual crosswords + quiz + readers’ letters + books and films + lots more
+ Businesses and tradespeople servingEnglish-speakers in France
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