Financial help is available for workers who move in France

The aid available depends on your income, family size, and reason for moving

A view of a family with a child packing moving boxes
Families with three or more children are among those able to claim moving aid

Financial help towards moving home is available for workers in France, to help lighten the load when it comes to van hire and other costs.

These include:

La prime de déménagement 

This moving allowance is paid by the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (Caf) and the Mutuelle Sociale Agricole (MSA). 

It is intended for large families who move house when their household grows. 

To qualify, you must: 

  • Have at least three children within six months of moving house. 

  • Be eligible for l'aide personnalisée au logement (APL) or l'allocation de logement familiale (ALF). Move before the second birthday of your last child

The amount of this allowance depends on the expenses incurred for the move, to a maximum of €1,119.46.

You can also receive €93.29 for each additional child.

You can apply for this aid by sending an application form, together with financial proof (such as invoices) to the CAF or MSA.

You can also ask your employer for information, as some offer extra financial aid to help their employees move house. Some also offer workers a day off when doing so. 

The Agri-Mobilité scheme 

Set up by Action Logement, for workers in the agricultural sector. 

  • A one-off payment of up to €3,200

  • Deadline to apply: September 13

Fonds de solidarité pour le logement (FSL)

This departmental assistance can help you cover some moving costs.

  • Can be a grant or a loan 

  • Can also be used to finance expenses associated with moving into your new home, such as the deposit or estate agency fees. 

To apply for this assistance, you can contact a worker at your nearest social benefits office, who can draw up an application.

Disability costs

If you receive the disability benefit la prestation de compensation du handicap, paid by the departmental council, you can also apply for aid to cover the costs of moving into a home that meets accessibility standards. 

  • Covered up to a maximum of €3,000.

  • Access to the aid is not means tested, but the amount you are given does depend on your income. 

You can check your eligibility on the website, under the ‘aides et démarches’ section.