France way behind on reaching recycling targets, report shows

A 2012 target to recycle 75% of household packaging has still not been met

Paris, France rubbish
France will have to pay the EU €1.6 billion for missing its targets
Published Last updated

A new report says France has failed to meet its recycling targets, and criticises the shortcomings of eco-organisations responsible for much of the country’s recycling. 

The report, commissioned by the government, was submitted by the General Inspectorate for the Environment and Sustainable Development in June. It highlights “major delays”, especially in the recycling of plastics and aluminium, Les Echos reports. 

"The collection targets… are not being met in two-thirds of the sectors for which data is available", it says. 

France will have to pay the EU €1.6 billion for its failure to process household plastic packaging, the report notes. It recycled 23% compared to the 40% target. 

EPR schemes 

France has implemented extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes since the 1990s. Under the schemes, companies are responsible for the waste management of products they put onto the market. Most pay approved “eco-organisations” to manage the waste. 

The report reveals some 40% of EPR waste was not collected in 2022, while the proportion of waste recycled or reused has stagnated since 2016. And the recycling of household packaging is “failing” – the 2012 target of 75% has never been reached. 

Some eco-organisations have a monopoly, the report warns, highlighting “unbalanced contractual relations” in the “collection, transport, sorting and treatment of waste” in three main areas - electrical and electronic equipment, chemicals and furniture components. 

It also warned that any penalties were rarely applied to the organisations. 

New measures 

The report recommends 10 measures to address the problems, including setting up an independent body to regulate EPR schemes. It would have the power to impose fines if companies fail to meet their targets. 

EU rankings 

In 2023, the European Environment Agency found that packaging waste recycling had decreased across the EU over the past five years, while the recycling of electronic and electrical waste had dropped over the past three years. 

In 2023, a FranceInfo headline dubbed France a “bad pupil” when it comes to recycling in Europe. It noted France only managed to recycle 42% of household waste, according to the European Commission, compared to a target of 55% by 2025. 

France recycled just 8.5kg of plastic per capita in 2021 (see map below), one of the lowest rates in the EU. Germany recycled 19.89kg, Spain 17.05kg and Ireland 20.7kg.