‘Brain stethoscope’ helps diagnose neurological conditions in France
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French firm makes first ‘fibre-to-fibre’ recycled polyester T-shirt
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Where are tiger mosquitoes in France as presence increases, and what to do about them
The mosquitoes become active in spring, and are now in 78 of 96 departments
France's Brexit residency card website delayed a few days
Monday October 19 is the new date for the opening, The Connexion has been told

French officials confirmed the brief delay today during an online meeting between bodies including the British Community Committee of France (BCC), accredited Brexit support organisations for Britons, and the Interior Ministry.
The site had been expected to open on Thursday this week, October 15.
BCC's Claire Godfrey, who attended the meeting, said the reasons were Covid-19-related and not political.
She added that she is pleased the ministry is going ahead with promised simplifications for Britons, including the online application, one visit to prefectures, and cards to be sent in the post.
The official French Brexit website, brexit.gouv.fr currently states that following the coronavirus crisis, the opening, originally planned for July 1, will now be at some point in October.
The new site will be accessed by the Brexit button at this link.