Drivers face tougher penalties for road infractions in south of France
The new rules on licence suspensions come after ‘another bad year’ for accidents
New blowtorch burglary method revealed by French police
The arrest of three suspects sheds more light on the novel technique
France wants to lower the age for breast cancer screening
The current age threshold is 50, but 5,000 women under 40 are diagnosed each year
Freak storm buries town in eastern France under 60cm of hail
Firefighters called out more than 100 times as extreme weather batters town - but no injuries are reported
It looked like winter had returned to eastern France after a dramatic storm has buried one town under 60cms of hail and forced homeowners to dig out their snowshovels to clear the streets.
Tout mon soutien aux habitants de Plombières les Bains victime d’un orage de grêle.
— Jean ROTTNER (@JeanROTTNER) June 29, 2021
Courage et solidarité pic.twitter.com/CC5bVs3L6J
Firefighters were called out more than 100 times after some 60cm of hail fell suddenly on the Vosges’ town of Plombières-les-Bains, while just 40 minutes travel away in Bruyères, 10mm of rain was recorded in six minutes, such was the ferocity of the storm.
Un violent orage est en cours dans le secteur de Plombières les Bains, Remiremont et remonte en ce moment vers Eloyes et Bruyères.
— Sapeurs-Pompiers des Vosges 88 (@SDIS88) June 29, 2021
Les sapeurs-pompiers sont tous mobilisés
⚠ Limitez au maximum vos déplacements.
⚠ Soyez extrêmement vigilants face à la montée rapide des eaux. pic.twitter.com/M6ko2h21S2
Tiles were blown away, cellars flooded and trees were uprooted on to power lines, leaving many homes without power, while tractors helped in the clean-up after the storm had passed.
No injuries have been reported.
⛈️ Importante couche de grêle dans les rues de Plombières-les-Bains (Vosges) lors d'un orage ce mardi matin
— Alexandre (@alex_le_bars) June 29, 2021
(📹 Marthe Trahin)https://t.co/gQlKw2bA1c pic.twitter.com/wPG0PBJAOj
Traffic was forced to a near standstill on the RN57 near Plombières as conditions worsened.
#orages sur les #Vosges, dépannage en cours au Val d’Ajol suite à incident sur une ligne 20 000 volts , accès difficile à cause des chutes d’arbres et de grêlons. Téléchargez l'application Enedis à mes côtés pour connaître l'horaire prévu de rétablissement du courant pic.twitter.com/ZyB5ksgdKN
— Enedis en Lorraine (@enedis_lorraine) June 29, 2021
⛈ FLASH - Un orage de grêle a submergé la commune de Plombières-les-Bains ce matin. Des grêlons de taille d'une bille de paintball sont tombés, les habitants ont dû ressortir les pelles à neige. (Vosges Matin) pic.twitter.com/HJw5Wx660d
— Mediavenir (@Mediavenir) June 29, 2021