French far-right leader Marine Le Pen loses appeal in defamation case

She is ordered to pay €500 for comments made about a humanitarian association in 2022

french far-right politician marine le pen
Marine Le Pen made the defamatory statement during her 2022 presidential campaign
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French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has lost her appeal against a ruling that she defamed a humanitarian association when in 2022 she said the group “is complicit with human traffickers”.

The Paris appeals court has ordered her to pay €500.

Ms Le Pen made the comments during her 2022 presidential campaign in an interview with BFMTV.

When asked by the interviewer “are humanitarian associations complicit with illegal entry [into France]”, Ms Le Pen answered “sometimes yes. They are certainly complicit sometimes.”

She expounded on the comments during a visit to France’s overseas department of Mayotte.

“La Cimade does in fact organise the stream of illegal immigration from the Comoros”, calling into question the public funding that the association receives.

Mayotte has long struggled with migrants from the neighbouring Comoros islands.

The humanitarian association immediately launched a defamation suit against Ms Le Pen.

A subsequent court ruling in October 2023 deemed that her comments were indeed defamatory, “crossed the limits of free speech” and “went beyond the level of exaggeration that is acceptable in the context”.

Ms Le Pen appealed against the ruling, however on September 11, 2024 the Paris appeals court ruled that she must pay the group the symbolic fee of €500.

“La Cimade is pleased by the verdict,” said the association in a statement.

“Her incorrect assertions were intended to stigmatise migrants and the associations that help them in order to ramp up social tension and violence.

“It is fortunate that the courts have recognised this with a conviction for defamation.”

“La Cimade will defend the truth whenever necessary, and in particular against the lies of the extreme right. In the same way, it will continue with determination to defend the rights and dignity of all the inhabitants of Mayotte.”