French medical laboratories issue strike notice for September

Unions say budget cuts of almost 10% may force closures, but state health authorities argue budget was already agreed

Assurance Maladie reimbursements are not affected by budgetary changes
Published Last updated

Medical unions representing laboratory workers have announced their intention to strike in September over a reduction in government funding for the sector. 

Seven unions have come together to announce the strike, which will run from September 20 - 23, and are calling on medical laboratories (laboratoires d'analyses médicales) to close during this time. 

These centres are used by people for a number of tests, including testing of blood and urine samples, and were a main place for Covid-19 tests during the pandemic. 

Action is being taken over a cut in funding from the state for medical laboratories, although each side disagrees over the exact figures. 

Unions added that if the situation is not resolved and funding cuts go ahead, laboratories may be forced to close as early as December 2024, when the new budget comes into force.

However authorities have confirmed that state reimbursement of medical tests at laboratories will not be affected, and say no closures are on the horizon.

Disagreements over funding cuts

Unions claim that funding from the Cnam (Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie) will see a “drastic cut of almost 10% in the fees for medical procedures,” paid to laboratories. 

However, this has mostly stemmed from an increase in demand for tests and analysis at laboratories (up by over 5% in the first half of 2024), and not due to direct cuts. 

The Cnam intends to keep funding levels for medical laboratories the same – €3.78 billion per year, excluding Covid-specific costs and other certain expenses – a figure previously agreed upon in negotiations between unions and the state.

State health authorities are asking unions to respect the deal, but unions say that it is no longer possible and want a renegotiation in light of the increased demand in the sector. 

Assurance Maladie, France’s state healthcare service, says the changes to the budget that affect medical laboratories correspond to only 3.1% in cuts, and not 10% as unions suggest. 

Read more: Strikes in France in August 2024 and how you may be impacted

Are closures on the way? 

Unions say laboratories, particularly in rural areas, are at risk of closure if funding remains at current levels.

In their press release, they said the Cnam “will no longer cover the cost of biological examinations [from] December 2024” onwards, once the budget in place for these tests has been used up. 

“The consequence for the public, if the authorities fail to react, will be a de facto shutdown imposed by Cnam, with the total closure of laboratories, probably around mid-December,” they added. 

However the Cnam said “there is obviously no question of biological laboratories closing in December and reimbursements for examinations ceasing on 15 December.” 

“Reimbursements are not funded from the budget and there is no question of stopping them,” it added. 

Read more: What essential health screenings are available for free in France?