Mass cheese recall launched in France over E.coli fears
Several major supermarkets are affected, ‘Morbier’ cheese in particular is recalled
Letters: France's energy audit system does not work for stone properties
Readers say the diagnostic de performance énergétique system heavily favours recent properties
Plastic in bottled water: these brands identified in France as least affected
A new consumer study claims four popular brands offer the safest water to drink
Fruit claims are fantasy
What a rubbish comment from Légumes de France president Jacques Rouchaussé in your online article on fruit and veg prices not being reality because of imports.
He said melons cost €5.50 each... I have just bought two fat Melons de Cavaillon for €3.90. His prices are pure fantasy or else he does his shopping at Fauchon!
Richard Chandless, Saöne-et-Loire