Letters: Vegetarian options are too limited in France
Connexion readers say French cuisine is all the poorer due to its reliance on meat
Letters: Stop moaning about French bureaucracy
Connexion reader says that foreign residents must display more self-awareness
Letters: Readers share the drôleries of getting by in French
From old false friends to the latest translation tech - sometimes everyone gets language wrong
Hey, Orange, cut the trees
In Germany, Holland or UK, telephone engineers routinely trim interfering tree branches, as do EDF, at no cost to the consumer.
In France each neighbour has to trim their own branches before Orange will repair a fallen broadband line. Ours has been down for six months.
Our neighbours are friendly and helpful – but what of a poor resident who cannot afford to hire a cherry picker and contractor? Orange should take responsibility and trim branches in each region throughout the country.
Steve Sanford, Vaucluse