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Holiday insurance so simple to sort out
Insuring people up to 86
In 2010, we went to New Zealand and paid over £600, for insurance for worldwide travel for a year.
A year ago we went on a cruise and had to have insurance, not wanting to pay such an amount again I spoke to my bank who advised me that health insurance is part of the Carte Bleu but only if you book your holiday with that card.
Our bank manager told us a company called Mondial also did holiday insurance, so I came home and phoned. We got a year-long insurance and did not have to go into our medical history for €267.
Terms and conditions are also in English and the number you can call for assistance, should you need it, is a French number but you can speak in English to them.
I did not have to give any information on our medical history at all and was told they insure people up to 86.
Judith TORRINGTON, Troyes