How does average wealth in France compare with the UK?

A recent study puts France ahead of most countries

Despite rising inflation and a heavy national deficit, personal financial wealth in France looks relatively healthy, the report shows
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The average net wealth of people in France has risen year-on-year, with the country now in the world’s top 10, a new report has found.

The Allianz Wealth Report 2024 found that the average net wealth of people in France was almost €215,000 in 2023, increasing from its ranking of 13th place in 2022 to 10th in 2023.

The annual report details the financial wealth of the residents of the world’s richest countries.

Despite rising inflation and a heavy national deficit, personal financial wealth appears to be relatively healthy, the report showed, with “buoyant” stock markets supporting considerable asset growth. 

From financial assets alone - investments, savings accounts, life insurance, shares etc - France ranks 16th in the list. This puts it two places ahead of Germany, but behind Italy, the UK and Ireland, as was the position a year earlier.

Average French financial assets rose by €4,880 to €72,380 in 2023 compared to 2022, the report states.

Read also: What income makes you rich in France? Think tank sets 2024 figure 
Read also: How much must you earn to be officially rich in France? 

When property wealth is added to the total, France climbs the world ranking, with an average net wealth (after debt) of €214,980.

Read also: Typical wealth of people in France revealed: Where do you fall? 
Read also: France makes top 5 countries for most millionaires (above UK) 

European ratings

In Europe, France is ahead of: 

  • Germany (€201,240)

  • UK (€200,970)

  • Italy (€182,710)

  • Spain (€181,310).

And behind only:

  • Denmark (€276,130)

  • Netherlands (€274,100)

  • Belgium (€268,100).

However, even EU leader Denmark is far from having the highest net worth globally. The report’s worldwide top three are:

  • Switzerland (€577,910)

  • Americans (€439,740)

  • Australians (€365,830)