Is appointment information automatically added to online French health space?
Documents can be found online for healthcare professionals and patients to see
It is easy to upload documents via the website or app
Pressmaster / Shutterstock
Reader Question: Do I need to enter information on my test results, prescriptions etc manually on my Mon Espace Santé account, or is it automatically done?
Patients and healthcare professionals alike have the ability to digitally upload documents to an individual’s Mon Espace Santé account.
There are no rules on who must add the documents following an appointment, and Assurance Maladie states patients can “freely add any document useful for their care” to their account (provided it is related to their healthcare needs).
All healthcare professionals linked to the patient – GPs, specialists, pharmacists etc – can also access the patient’s file through the account, as well as add any documents they deem beneficial.
To avoid confusion, you can ask your healthcare professional if they plan to upload the documents to your file. Alternatively, you can offer to do it yourself.
You can avoid uploading duplicate documents by checking what is already in your account.
Read more: How France’s new free health checks work
How do I upload a document to Mon Espace?
You need to log onto the Mon Espace Santé website (or via the app), then click either the Ajouter un document de santé button on the home page or Ajouter un document in the ‘Documents’ menu.
You can upload documents in various formats, and sort them into various dossiers to make navigation for both yourself and health professionals easier.
A video explaining the process (in French) is also available on YouTube here.