Key quotes from King Charles, Macron and Biden at D-Day commemorations
Heads of states and veterans gathered in Normandy to pay their respects for the sacrifices made on D-Day 80 years ago
The American ceremony was held at the American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, picture here, while the British ceremony was held at the British memorial in Ver-sur-MerFranck Legros / Shutterstock / Screenshot from Guardian News YouTube channel / Screenshot from BFM Normandie X account
Commemoration ceremonies for the 80th anniversary of D-Day were held today at the British memorial in Ver-sur-Mer (Normandy) and the American cemetery of Colleville-sur-Mer, with many heads of state in attendance to pay their respects.
President Emmanuel Macron, King Charles III and US president Joe Biden gave speeches to honour the soldiers who landed on Normandy beaches in 1944.
We share some of the key quotes from those speeches.
British ceremony
King Charles III honoured the soldiers, saying “It is with the most profound sense of gratitude that we remember them and all who served at that critical time.”
He also addressed the crowd in French, saying:
“Ce mémorial rend également un hommage particulier à la plus grande tragédie du Débarquement: le nombre inimaginable de civils français qui sont morts dans cette bataille commune pour la liberté.”
(This memorial also pays special tribute to the greatest tragedy of the D-Day landings: the unimaginable number of French civilians who died in this joint battle for freedom.)
“Nous ne manquerons jamais de rendre hommage au courage et aux sacrifices incroyables des hommes et des femmes de la Résistance française, ainsi qu’aux nombreux civils qui ont fourni des renseignements essentiels, saboté les approvisionnements et les communications et étendu des cruciales embuscades.”
(We will never fail to pay tribute to the incredible courage and sacrifices of the men and women of the French Resistance, as well as to the many civilians who supplied vital information, sabotaged supplies and communications, and laid crucial ambushes.)
Macron spoke in English, thanking King Charles and Queen Camilla for their presence, saying it “means a lot for our veterans here today and for us.”
“These 1,465 silhouettes represent the 1,465 British soldiers who made the sacrifices of their lives here on D-Day. I know that these 1,465 soldiers are your brothers-in-arms and that you remember them,” he continued, addressing the few dozens of UK veterans present.
“Nobody here in France and in Normandy can forget their sacrifice and your sacrifice and your presence, here today with us, is such an important thing.”
President Biden speaks at American ceremony
Addressing the crowd at the American ceremony in Ver-sur-Mer, Mr Macron said (in French): “These humble white tombs, which are within reach just behind you, are one of the most touching places in France.”
He added that he was honouring a people that “was ready to die on land that was not their own but for a cause that was their own.”
“Here is the secular link between our two nations, our two republics, that renews and asserts itself, a link of blood spilt for freedom.”
In his 15-minute speech, Mr Biden honoured the veterans who gave their lives 80 years ago, saying: “History tells us freedom is not free. You want to know the price of freedom, come to Normandy to look.”
He alluded to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, saying “Ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage, suffering considerable losses but never backing down.”
“Make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in Ukraine. To see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. We cannot let that happen. To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable,” he added.
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky was present at the commemorations.
You can watch the speeches from the American ceremony in full here.