Letters: France's energy audit system does not work for stone properties
Readers say the diagnostic de performance énergétique system heavily favours recent properties
French village implements temporary road closures to protect frogs
The initiative aims to save up to 50 amphibians per night from being crushed
People with gardens urged to spot and report this common but dangerous pest via French ministry site
How to report sightings and avoid a reaction to pine and oak caterpillars
Killing speed kills planet
If the speed limit is reduced on certain secondary roads from 90kph to 80kph and I drive within that limit, I – plus, no doubt, thousands of others – will be doing our bit extra to destroy our planet, because I drive a diesel-engined automatic vehicle.
When I drive at 85kph my car is in overdrive. Dropping to 80kph will mean I will have to drive in a lower gear, which means higher revs and more pollution.
Why don’t the politicians look at all the options before taking decisions that have not been properly thought out?
Modern diesel engines are now cleaner than petrol!
Rodney Fox, by email