'I am too afraid to drive in France - it feels like the wrong side of the road'
Columnist Cynthia Spillman gives her advice on acclimatising to French roads and motorways
'Nesting swallows have become a pest at my French home'
Columnist Samantha David is irked but the birds enjoy protected status
Applications for UK ‘ETA’ to open: What does this change for people in France?
Border rules change from April 2 for EU citizens
Let there be streetlights in France
RE: the letter “Only a Fool Breaks Two Second Rule” (January), I would suggest another reason for so many fatalities on French roads is the lack of lighting.

I was surprised, coming out of Paris towards Normandy recently, to find many major junctions and roundabouts were unlit. This, together with the lack of cat’s eyes, makes night driving in France much more hazardous than the UK.
John COSTELLO, Manche