Letters: French vegetarian burgers are still a work in progress

Reader bemoans the lack of meat alternatives available in restaurants

Good alternative burgers can be found, but you have to root them out

To the Editor,

I have been reading the recent reader debate in The Connexion about vegetarian meals.

I asked for a vegetarian burger last week from the menu of a local restaurant.

The "burger" arrived with some almost invisible shreds of melted cheese, a tomato, lettuce leaf and basically a thin potato fritter within a sliced bread bap, with chips.

Read more: Letters – Vegetarians need to appreciate French food culture

So basically potato, plus bread, plus potato!

A little imagination, creating a burger from a variety of shredded, compacted vegetables, and I am sure it would be a popular alternative to a meat burger.

Melissa Miller, by email

How do you fare as a vegetarian in France? Is the range of options improving? Let us know at letters@connexionfrance.com