Mugger fighting for life after being caught by crowd

Man stabbed after being beaten up by witnesses to theft

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A mugger is fighting for his life in hospital in Paris after being chased, caught and then beaten up and stabbed by witnesses.

Two men had attacked a car driven by Sri Lankan tourists in the 10th arrondissement – one puncturing the tyres and, while the tourists got out to see what had happened, the other stealing a handbag.

Le Parisien said that the tourists called out for help in Rue Cail, an area called ‘little Jaffna’ with a large Sri Lankan population, and people nearby raced to confront the thieves.

The men tried to escape into nearby shops but were kept out by shopkeepers and one was caught by the crowd who rained punches and kicks on him before he was stabbed twice.

When police arrived they discovered him lying in the street close to death. They took him to hospital where he is in a critical condition.

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