Letters: Vegetarian options are too limited in France
Connexion readers say French cuisine is all the poorer due to its reliance on meat
Letters: Stop moaning about French bureaucracy
Connexion reader says that foreign residents must display more self-awareness
Letters: Readers share the drôleries of getting by in French
From old false friends to the latest translation tech - sometimes everyone gets language wrong
Mulch ado...
In response to November’s Garden Diary, and following this summer’s drought, I concur with all recommended plants suggested and would like to add Nepeta Sp (catmint), which I have found thrives during dry conditions.
I am now dividing my existing stock to put elsewhere in the garden. In addition, I only watered pots and not flowerbeds.
All pruning and cutback of plants was directly returned to the ground as mulch in addition to the homemade compost. All plants have survived and I have found the soil in excellent order despite many weeks without rain.
Jane Shaw, Tarn et Garonne