Neighbouring countries opening up - will France join them?

France’s neighbouring countries have either opened their borders to visitors or will do so by Monday (or by July 1 for Spain) – but France is still yet to confirm that it will follow suit.

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French Tourism Minister Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne has repeatedly indicated France’s support for ‘internal’ reopening of borders to visitors by Monday June 15, referring to free movement from other parts of Europe, including the Schengen Area, EU and UK.

This would mean removing the requirement for an ‘international travel attestation’ form which currently strictly limits who may come to France.

However so far Connexion’s requests for confirmation of the June 15 date have not been answered. Mr Lemoyne is to hold a press conference on tourism tomorrow so it may be that further information will be forthcoming then.

Italy has already opened its borders to visitors from France, causing complication at the border as people can only move freely in one direction but not the other.

Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg have announced reopening of borders to European neighbours from June 15 and Spain from July 1. The UK has never had strict rules in place limiting reasons for visiting.