Letters: Patou dogs often run wild in France
Connexion reader says owners are dismissive of the danger
Letters: The cost of living is not always lower in France than in the US
Connexion readers share their views on energy, healthcare, education and daily living expenses
Letters: Our French village fête is literally booming
Connexion reader says traditional festivities have been replaced by three consecutive nights of loud music
Now, that’s good service!
Passport renewal
RE: the letter from Ray Stephens (March 2018) I also renewed my passport. I can’t beat his nine days (mine arrived after 11 days) but I can add a post-script.
My cancelled passport wasn’t included with my new one and, as I had made travel plans using the old number, I foresaw difficulties if I didn’t have it.
I posted a message asking if my old passport could be sent to me – and received an email response saying my old passport had been despatched and it duly arrived a day later.
Ian Halliday, Cantal