Letters: France's energy audit system does not work for stone properties
Readers say the diagnostic de performance énergétique system heavily favours recent properties
Letters: €24,000 is how much we need for a comfortable life in France
Connexion reader has kept a careful record of income and expenditure
Letters: France needs immigration to sustain its tax revenue
Reader argues that the country's aging population creates an unbalanced economy
Online woe
Carte grise troubles
I wonder if any readers have experienced the new online system for applying for carte grise for an imported car. I am having real problems.
I think I created an account and applied for immatriculation (the site is not user friendly) but I haven’t a clue what is happening. I’ve heard nothing for nine days and there seems to be no method of finding out how it is progressing.
I visited the prefecture but they seem as much in the dark as I am. They did tell me the government site was obliged to respond within two or three days, but this response has not yet materialised for me (except a standard letter).
Nigel Thompson, by email