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Perhaps my remain vote was a mistake
Dr Tim Blakemore ( Connexion June) outlines EU benefits such as ‘support for cross border cultural associations, protection of the environment and encouragement of regional products and characteristics’, but it begs the question why the EU does this if national parliaments also perform those functions?
He skates over the cost of the EU project, but the Sunday Times shed light on some benefits for 76,000 present and former EU civil servants, with £60billion of retirement and healthcare, and average lump sums of more than £700,000. Oh, and that’s small change compared to the payout for Jean-Claude Juncker.
One of the prime causes for the Brexit vote was the increasing realisation the EU is run by an overly-rewarded elite, happy to spend your taxes on a lifestyle beyond your dreams.
I voted ‘Remain’, but I am beginning to wonder if I backed the wrong side.
Richard HARVEY, Kent