Six in ten people support return to obligatory national service in France, poll shows
Support is stronger amongst voters for right-wing and far-right parties
Sail across the Atlantic on a cargo yacht from France
New transatlantic service takes around 15 days and will cost €2,000 to €3,000
Why so many police checks on drivers in Dordogne - can you be stopped without a reason?
‘We want to make dangerous drivers worried’, says police chief
Pets are not just for home
Staff in an insurance office have found the ideal way to deal with stress at work... they bring their pets in with them.

The 150 staff at animal insurance firm SantéVet in Lyon can take pets to work – but only four at a time, for safety reasons. Dogs are regular visitors, and a parrot, but no cats in case people are allergic. For SantéVet boss Jérôme Salord, it is not a problem: “Having animals in the office is good for us all, it helps us relax.”
Businesses that welcome animals are honoured in the Pet Friendly awards and this year the winners were Royal Canin France, Campings Sites et Paysages, Groupe Domitys and pet website Wamiz.