Crit’Air air pollution car stickers: can you get these by post in France?
Dozens of new low-emissions zones were introduced earlier this month
Speed limits reduced in Normandy due to air pollution spike
Air pollution in some parts is described as ‘very poor’
Riding between lanes now legal for all motorcyclists in France – under certain conditions
Government legalises manoeuvre after eight years of trials
Praise due for drivers
In 1972, road deaths in France exceeded 16,500. By 2018, bearing in mind more cars on more and faster roads, the figure (dependant on which source you use) is 3,488.
This statistical improvement hides the horror and sadness created by just one death, but it is a feat of considerable proportions to so tame a nation known for its cavalier approach to road safety.
This reduction has been brought about by a combination of technology and policing that hit people right in the wallet.
Your July issue contained an article about the LCVR wanting compulsory in-car speed limiters as the “rise in numbers of deaths in the last three months” is down to roadside radars being destroyed by the gilets jaunes.
This is, if you refer to any of the published statistics, an inaccurate nonsense, and completely misleading. Most modern cars, and all HGVs, have pre-selective speed control.
The map of those departments that are waiting for a return to 90kph on routes departementales can be found at: connexionfrance.com/French-news/Map-of-France-shows-roads-changing-speed-back-to-90kph .
To draw further conclusions about road fatalities and accidents versus changes in your department, go to: linternaute.com/auto/accident.
Perhaps someone should start to sing the praises of, rather than constantly vilifying, the motorist, who also constitutes one of, if not the biggest, cash cows for the state.
H. Barkley, by email
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