Rain, calm, rain: French weekly weather update March 24 - 28

Temperatures to be warmer than average for the time of year but not for long

Most of France will see rainfall either at the start of end of the week

A wet start to the week is set to be replaced with typical early spring weather, although those in the south will have to wait a little longer for it. 

Early forecasts then predict non-stop rain for the end of the week - and throughout the weekend.

Temperatures will be slightly warmer than average for most of the week before dropping by around 2C at the weekend. 

Monday March 24 

Despite the worst of the weekend’s storms being over, there is still a risk of more in the south and along the east as far north as Jura. 

Thunderstorms are unlikely, but the weather will be wet and grey throughout the south, including the Pyrénées and parts of the south-west. 

This rain will mostly ease up by the evening, except a central belt between Lyon and Toulouse through the Massif Central, where rain may continue into the night.

Currently, there are no heightened weather alerts in place from state forecaster Météo France. 

Conversely, the north will remain mostly dry – if quite grey – with only Normandy facing any threat of showers. 

Temperatures will be slightly warmer in the north than the south with highs of 16C in Toulouse and 18C in Paris. 

Tuesday March 25 

The threat of storms on Tuesday will decrease, with only the western Mediterranean coast expected to see any. 

The Pyrénées and parts of eastern France face a risk of rain but the rest of the south is likely to be dry.

Conditions in the north will be similar to Monday, with skies mostly grey despite the lack of rain. 

Temperatures will switch from Monday and it will be slightly warmer in the south (highs of around 17C/18C) than the north (highs of 15C).

Wednesday March 26 

The risk of rainfall will be further reduced, covering only the Pyrénées and Pays-Basque areas.

The Mistral and Tramontane winds will blow away any clouds and the risk of storms along the Mediterranean, but the gales may make it feel chillier than the thermometer reads. 

Conditions in the north will remain essentially unchanged, although in the morning Brittany may see some fog. 

Drivers should pay attention if on the roads early. 

Read more: Driving through fog in France: rules and penalties for infractions

Thursday March 27 

Atlantic winds will definitively push away remaining rainclouds – with the exception of the foothills in the Pyrénées and southern Alps/French Riviera – leading to sunny skies covering most of France. 

The clearer skies may be deceiving however, as morning temperatures will drop alongside the fresh new winds. 

Morning frosts will return to the north, although roads are unlikely to see any icy conditions. 

Highs of 15C in the north and 19C in the south are still likely later in the day, but may be present for a shorter period. 

In turn, average daily temperatures will fall below seasonal averages by around 0.5C. 

Friday March 28 

Incoming rain from the British Isles is forecast for Friday. 

Descending early in the morning, it will rapidly cover the country from the north and west, leaving only the south-east and areas around the German border unaffected. 

Temperatures will drop further but remain close to 20C in the south-east. 

Early predictions see the vast majority of France covered in persistent rainfall over the weekend as the rainclouds remain perched above the country.