SEE: Areas of France where flu has reached epidemic levels

Five regions are now on high alert and five more at pre-epidemic level

Flu season struck early this year, with five regions already at epidemic level
Published Last updated

The winter flu epidemic started early this year, and has reached epidemic levels in five regions already. We look at where it is happening and who is most at risk.

The Paca region was officially placed on high alert due to the flu epidemic on December 12.

This week, four more regions were declared to be at epidemic level:

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Grand Est and Occitanie.

Another five regions are also at pre-epidemic level, with only Brittany and Normandy still considered epidemic free.

Where is the flu epidemic in France?

Pic: Visactu / The Connexion

Who is most at risk from the flu epidemic?

The flu epidemic affects both men (53%) and women (47%), and afflicts younger people as much as the elderly. This is a marked difference from Covid-19 hospitalisations, who are predominantly male (68%) and aged 65 or over.

However, the data from the French health body Sante Publique France suggests that vaccination is effective: only 7% of people hospitalised for flu have been vaccinated, whereas 62% were unvaccinated.

Read more:

Doctors concerned over low take-up of Covid and flu vaccines in France

SEE: big rise in Covid cases registered in France in a week

Flu now at epidemic level in France, south worst hit