Letters: France's energy audit system does not work for stone properties
Readers say the diagnostic de performance énergétique system heavily favours recent properties
Letters: €24,000 is how much we need for a comfortable life in France
Connexion reader has kept a careful record of income and expenditure
Letters: France needs immigration to sustain its tax revenue
Reader argues that the country's aging population creates an unbalanced economy
Seeing red is new Orange
My latest bill from Orange includes a €69 charge for a visit by a technician – yet I saw no-one! I had reported a fault on my line and was told that if the fault was inside my property then I would be charged €69.
On the basis I never saw a technician outside my property, let alone inside my house, I phoned Orange and queried the charge. I was told the charge was for the technician whether or not the fault was inside my property.
They have agreed to credit the €69 to my account, but how can we possibly be responsible and be charged for faulty Orange infrastructure!
When I queried this he told me, with laughter in his voice, that it was a law that was brought in 2/3 years ago!
Teresa ROONEY, Charente