Rain, wind, snow, sun: French weekly weather outlook March 29 - 30
Cooler temperatures are in store before warm spell at the start of next week
Rules change for dog walking in France on April 15
Here is how to ensure you and your dog remain within the rules and avoid fines
French data watchdog advises people to delete any DNA test information online
Bankruptcy of major US genetics company poses potential threat to millions
Sharp rise in the number of drivers caught speeding
Speed cameras flashed a total of 25.6 million times in 2016, a rise of 26% on the previous year

Radars near worksites were particularly effective, snapping 3.5 million drivers, while those installed in cars reported a 26% increase in activity.
Six speed cameras flashed more than 100,000 times each.
But road deaths across France increased 15% in the same period.
“Even when a car is ever so slightly over the limit, it is caught on camera in France. It doesn’t do any good,” said Pierre Chasseray of the association 40 Millions d’automobilistes. “The radars don't catch those who are driving drunk or on drugs, or those on the phone at the wheel.”
But the Sécurité routière said the figures were evidence that the current radar system was effective and working well.
The Sécurité routière says it spends €3.4 billion on road safety each year.
The Cour des Comptes national auditors said state revenues from speed camera fines rose 11.6% last year alone, pulling in an extra €131million more than in 2015 to make a total of €920m.
They pointed out that more than 50% of the money raised was not being spent on its main target, road safety. Of this, €51m went to local authorities and €45m to pay off state debts.
"There is inequality between drivers, as some people have technology in their cars that allows them to spot upcoming radars,” says president of the Ligue contre la violence routière, Chantal Perrichon.” She is calling for a ban on radar warning devices in cars.
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