Shout-out for Bordeaux Billi

Why do people like David Asplin (Letters, June Connexion ) continually snipe at Bordeaux’s Billi Terminal?

I am grateful for it, because it means that I can afford to visit my family living in the UK and they, plus friends, can afford to visit me.

Without it, the cost of travel would be greater or, even worse, the low-cost airlines would not be running at all.

Perhaps Mr Asplin should think about using other airline services.

I find the small terminal much better than the ‘long-haul’ walk that travellers face at Gatwick or Stansted.

It has everything you need in a compact area, which means no long walks.

I look forward to returning to France, because I know that I will be through in minutes and on my way home.

So, please send a big thank you to the Bordeaux Billi Terminal (I wish there were more like it!) and tell them they are going a great job.

Rod Baverstock, Osserain-Rivareyte