Letters: France's energy audit system does not work for stone properties
Readers say the diagnostic de performance énergétique system heavily favours recent properties
Letters: €24,000 is how much we need for a comfortable life in France
Connexion reader has kept a careful record of income and expenditure
Letters: France needs immigration to sustain its tax revenue
Reader argues that the country's aging population creates an unbalanced economy
Sums do not add up for Brexit ‘losers’
Poor Mr and Mrs Carleton. What a sad story ( Pension drop brings worry, Connexion, January issue ) – “no holidays, no birthday treats, relying on charities”.
The letter is vague as regards statistics but we assume they have totalled their income from 2016 onwards, compared it with what it might have been had it remained at its 2015 level and come up with a figure of a “loss” of about €20,000.
We have carried out an identical exercise for ourselves and arrived at €16,000.
As their loss is greater than ours, it would imply their income is higher.
We too came to France in 2004, are of a similar generation to them, and our only income is from our pensions.
We manage to take holidays, albeit usually in the UK or Europe.
Neither we nor our family go without presents and we have never found a need to receive charity – in fact, we often donate.
So, if we can manage, why can’t they?
We suspect they have engaged in a spot of journalistic sensationalism.
However, if what they say is true, perhaps it is time to take a reality check, question and adjust their lifestyle, and join the real world.
I read in amazement the letter from a reader complaining he had calculated losing €20,000 due to Brexit.
What surprised me was that, for someone who has lived in France for 15-plus years, he seemed to have ignored the regular fluctuations in the money/currency market.
Having lived in France for more than 20 years, we too have seen fixed incomes fluctuate, largely due to the money men playing the market.
We just accepted from the outset that our income would fluctuate: a simple fact of life. here have been a number of positives in recent years but I suppose those discontented, like your contributor, could always consider the other option…
Christopher EATOUGH, Nièvre
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