Taxes, pensions, travelling: September 2024 changes for residents in France

Airports return to old rules on liquids in cabin bags, tax-at-source levies are readjusted and drivers face parking charges hike in Paris

Many changes are on the way this month as France gets moving again after the summer break
Published Last updated

A number of key changes will affect those living in France from this month, as the country restarts after the summer holiday season. 

Previously, we have covered recently announced changes that have already taken place or are planned to later in the year. 

The changes below will all come into force on September 1, or throughout the month. 

Return of liquid limits at airports 

All airports in Europe will reintroduce the 100 ml liquid rule from September 1. 

Airports with new high-tech scanners – including Paris Charles de Gaulle – lifted the restrictions as the equipment can detect explosives in liquids. 

The EU Commission has said that the scanners have not passed enough tests, and so are not compliant, meaning the old rules must come back into force. It is thought this will only be temporary. 

Read more: Change to cabin luggage rules in French airports from September 1

Tax-at-source change 

The amount of tax deducted at source (ie. before receipt of a French salary or pension) will change from September 1, as will the estimated instalments taken from bank accounts of people with regular French-taxable income that cannot be directly taxed at source. The latter includes rental income and foreign pensions. 

The adjustment will reflect information provided in the 2024 spring tax declarations (for 2023 income). The aim is to levy the correct amount of tax for the upcoming year. 

You can compare August and September payslips to see the rate change, as well as find detailed information in your personal space on the French tax site in the Prélèvement à la source section. You may also be able to request a change in the tax deducted under certain conditions. 

Read more: Explained: What to check on 2024 French tax statements

Return to school brings many changes 

The rentrée – return of pupils to French schools – will see changes to a number of areas. 

This will include new assessments for primary school pupils, new subject-specific groups in secondary schools based on students' ability and needs, and potentially a ban on smartphones. 

Read more: What changes in schools for the 2024 autumn rentrée in France

Parents can now opt for their child's potential eligibility for grants to be assessed automatically when registering them with a secondary school instead of having to make a specific application for a grant. 

Specific applications will still be possible, however, via the Scolarité-Services portal or using paper forms. Deadlines for applying will be October 17, or October 31 if enrolled at the Centre national d'enseignement à distance

This month also sees final changes being put in place in the reform of the lycées professionnels. 

A key change relates to the final, terminale, year, in which students will choose between an extra six weeks in a work placement, to help them find a job, or additional 'intensive studies'. 

This is on top of the six obligatory weeks of work placement. It has also been agreed that students on work placements will receive  €100/week pay.

Paris SUV parking charges increase 

Visitors to Paris driving large vehicles will see the cost of parking triple from September 1. 

Vehicles weighing more than 1.6 tonnes (or 2 tonnes for hybrid vehicles) will have to pay the tax. 

However, it only applies to drivers coming into the city temporarily; residents are not affected. Disabled drivers will also be exempt. 

Read more: Parisians vote to triple parking fees for visitors in SUVs

Boost to small French retirement pensions 

Just over one million people who receive French retirement pensions will see a boost to monthly payouts. The measure concerns people who paid in for at least 120 full quarters (30 years) and were earning the minimum wage, or close to it.

In most cases, it will be an increase of around €60 per month before social charges. 

The increase in payments applies to pensions from September (and all future pensions after this), but recipients will not see this increase in their bank accounts until October 9, the date September 2024 pensions are paid. 

In addition, because this boost was originally promised for a year ago but there have been delays, those concerned with receive a year of the monthly top-up amount.

You do not have to do anything to receive the additional money – if eligible, it will be automatically applied. 

STD tests at medical laboratories 

It is now possible to ask for a STD test covering four major sexually transmitted diseases – chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis B and HIV – without a prescription at medical laboratories.

The test is 100% reimbursed for those aged 26 and under.