Every year Paris marks the New Year with a show on the Champs Elysées, with tomorrow’s event set to include fireworks, music, and an homage to the 2024 Paris Olympics. Here is how it will work.
Event details
The event begins at 19:00.
The line-up includes Eddy de Pretto, Lio, Jean-Louis Aubert, Cerrone, Franglish, and David Hallyday There will also be performances by dancers from the Moulin Rouge, the Folies Gruss and Paradis Latin.
At 23:50, a 3D video will be projected onto the Arc de Triomphe - on the theme of “Paris with many faces” - before the traditional fireworks begin at the stroke of midnight. Afterwards, there will be a 10-minute musical playlist made up “entirely of female” artists, reads the official Paris website.
The event will be projected on screens set up along the length of the famous avenue.
“This big evening will be a chance to relive the best moments of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Paris 2024, to bring the public together again, and to celebrate together”, the Paris website states.
✨Pour le #Reveilllon2025, les Champs-Élysées se mettent sur leur 31 ! 🌟
C’est en passe de devenir une tradition ! La ville de @Paris vous offre un spectacle unique sur la plus belle avenue du monde à l’occasion du Nouvel An. 🎉
Access to the Champs Elysées will begin at 18:00, and event attendees will only be able to get through at certain dedicated points (see map below).
Attendees will be checked for banned objects which are not allowed to be taken into the event. These include weapons, sharp or blunt objects, glass bottles, and fireworks or pyrotechnic devices.
The sale and consumption of alcohol will also be banned in public in the area from 16:00.
People are also advised not to bring small children to the event “due to the density of people on the Champs-Elysées” and to remember that there will be crowds, requiring “good citizenship to prevent any risk linked to crowd movements”.
A map of the access areas to the Champs ElyséesPrefecture de Police Paris
Driving and public transport
Some public transport stations closest to the event will be closed from 15:00, to ease overcrowding.
These are:
Metro: Charles de Gaulle - Étoile will be closed from midnight on lines 1, 2 and 6
RER A: Charles de Gaulle - Étoile station closed from 15:00.
Metro line 1: The stops of Tuileries, Concorde, Champs-Élysées Clemenceau, Franklin D Roosevelt, Georges X and Argentine will close from 15:00.
Metro line 6: The Passy station will be closed from 19:00, Dupleix from 21:00, and Boissière from 23:00.
Metro line 9: The stations of Iéna and Saint-Philippe du Roule will close from 19:00.
Metro line 2: The station of Ternes will close from 00h10.
Driving restrictions and road closures have already been put in place in surrounding areas, including:
The Étoile and the top of the Champs-Elysées between Étoile et Tilsitt/Presbourg.
Parts of the eighth, 16th, and 17th arrondissements.
Parking will also be banned from tomorrow (December 31) on the Champs Elysées from 07:00, and driving from 15:00. A security perimeter will be in place.
Return journeys
Police are calling on people to plan their return journeys and to anticipate very busy routes.
To make it easier, several metro, RER and Transilien lines will be open all night, completely free (except for routes towards airports).
Metro lines open: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 and 14 (but not all stations)
RER and Transilien: All RER lines, plus lines H, J, L, N, P, and R