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Try out the (translated) 2024 Miss France general knowledge test
Readers who manage more than 25 points should be proud of themselves

As part of the annual Miss France beauty pageant, all competitors must take a general knowledge test. The questions are now available and we have translated them below so you can see how you would do.
The 94th final of the Miss France contest is set to take place on December 16 in Dijon (Côte-d'Or) where, traditionally, last year’s winner, Indira Ampiot from Guadeloupe, will crown her successor.
Each competitor has now taken the test, which has 46 questions for a total of 60 points.
Miss Alsace scooped the highest score with 42.5 points, followed by Miss Limousin and Miss Roussillon, who tied with 40 points each. Miss Champagne-Ardennes ranked next with 37.
Geography, news, and logic
The test is split into topics and includes multiple choice questions on:
- News (eight points)
- History and geography (12)
- Logic (10)
- The French language (six)
- Arts and literature (six)
- Nature and ecology (five)
- The English language (five)
- The Highway Code (three)
- Dictation (five)
The dictation category was added by Cindy Fabre, the new director of Miss France.
Each competitor’s score is taken into account in the jury’s pre-selection ranking, which eliminates 15 of the 30 Misses ahead of the contest’s semi-finals.
The Connexion was sent the questionnaire by Miss France’s organisers.
About the test
We show 46 questions from the test in this article (see below), excluding the English test and the dictation…
Being French I took the test and - a warning - it was harder than I would have expected.
The Connexion asked some 10 French people to take the test. The marks ranged from 20 to 45/46, with most ranking from 35 to 42. I correctly answered 36 of the 46 questions.
I suggest that any native English speaker, eg Briton, American etc, scoring above 25 is doing well. My colleague Hannah, who is British, scored 22 (and felt she was let down by her lack of mathematical skills!).
Below are the translated questions with their multiple choice questions (you can find the answers at the end of this article).
Let us know how you did via news@connexionfrance.com.
The questions
Which country joined the Eurozone this year?
Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, United Kingdom
Where will the next Rugby World Cup take place?
South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, France until it wins
In which category did French Nobel prize winners Anne L’Huillier and Pierre Agostini win?
Physics, economics, cooking, medicine
Which Miss France will be the ambassador of the 2024 Summer Olympics torch relay with Thomas Pesquet, Jamel Debbouze and Thierry Marx?
Camille Cerf, Marine Lorphelin, Anne Hidalgo, Maëva Coucke
Which famous French actress was displayed on the 2023 Cannes festival official poster?
Sophie Marceau, Paloma, Catherine Deneuve, Fanny Ardant
Which French patissier was the first woman crowned “best in the world” last October?
Christelle Brua, Maïté, Rougui Dia, Nina Métayer
Which city is the host of COP 28, which began on November 30?
Sharm El Sheikh, Dubai, Berlin, Cap-d’Agde
How many restaurants with Michelin stars are there in Côte d’Or in 2023?
0, 2, 9, 15
What is the capital of Morocco?
Casablanca, Marrakesh, Rabat, Agadir
Which country is known as the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’?
Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Laos
Miss Universe was hosted in Salvador. If you were on a beach there, which ocean would you be bathing in?
Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean, Salvador does not have maritime coast
What happened in the United Kingdom on May 6 of this year?
The UK won the Eurovision song contest, Charles III’s coronation, Brexit, Harry and Meghan’s wedding
Prehistory started when human beings first roamed the Earth. What ended it?
The invention of writing, The fall of the Roman empire, Jesus Christ’s birth, ChatGPT’s introduction
Who invented the ‘Code civil’?
Charlemagne, Napoleon, Olympe de Gouges, Charles de Gaulle
In which transportation vehicle was the armistice of World War One signed on November 11, 1918?
A boat, a camping-car, a plane, a train
Which right was granted to French women in 1965?
Voting, Abortion, Opening a bank account without the approval of a husband, Divorce by mutual consent
On February 1, 1954 when France suffered from extremely low temperatures, one man took to the radio and newspapers to launch a distress call for homeless people. Who was it?
Abbé Pierre, Coluche, Charles de Gaulle, Elie Kakou
Which countries share a border with French Guiana?
Venezuela and Guiana, Colombia and Venezuela, Suriname and Brazil, French Guiana is an island
A croissant and a chouquette cost a total of €2.10. The croissant costs €2 more than the chouquette. How much does the chouquette cost?
Five centimes (5c), 10 centimes (10c) ; €2, Impossible, chouquettes are only sold in packs of 10
The combined age of Nathan and Tom is 64. Nathan is three times older than Tom, how old is Tom?
12 years old, 14 years old, 16 years old, 18 years old
If an item that cost €15 has a 20% discount, what is its price?
€12, €12.33, €13, €13.50
What is my average mark if I had a 4/20, a 6/20, a 9/20 and a 20/20?
9, 9.25, 9.5, 9.75/20
Complete the following numerical suite : 3 ; 13 ; 1113 ; 3113…
13113 ; 132113 ; 311313 ; 321113
Water lilies are growing on a lake. The surface area doubles every day. If water lilies covered the lake in 48 days. How long did it take to cover half of it?
12 days ; 24 days ; 36 days ; 47 days
Your doctor prescribes you with one tablet every 30 minutes. How long does it take before you will take six of them?
1h30, 2h, 2h30, 3h
Find the word replacing the ? R3 J1 N6 D4 I5 A2 JARDIN - C1 P5 R2 U4 E6 O3 ?
What are the two letters completing this sequence? 21VN 32TX 43QS 54 ?
Find the solution: 28x + 30y + 31z = 365 ?
x = 3 y = 6, z = 9, x = 1 y = 4 z = 7, x = 7 y = 8 z = 10, x = 1, y = 9, z = 12
On which hand does 'The Thinker' by sculptor Rodin’s chin lie?
Right, left
In which movie franchise did Tom Cruise play the character Pete « Maverick » Mitchell in 2022?
Top Gun, Mission Impossible, Cocktail, Minority Report
Who is the author of this famous quote: “One is not born but becomes a woman”?
Simone Veil, Marguerite Duras, Simone de Beauvoir, Ségolène Royal
Which famous duo singers of chanson française released their new album “Les autres c’est nous” in 2022?
Vitaa and Slimane, Brigitte, NTM, Bigflo et Oli
Which awards ceremony recognises the music industry in the United States?
Golden Globes, Grammy Awards, Bafta, Victoires de la musique
Who drew this famous poster from the Moulin-Rouge?
Picasso, Toulouse Lautrec, Monet, Banksy
What is Earth’s estimated freshwater percentage?

2.5%, 7.5%, 20%, 95%
What is a plant that is termed ‘endemic’?
A species propagating a disease, a carnivorous species, a species introduced by human beings outside of its natural habitat, a species only growing in a specific geographic area
Which of these waste takes the longest to decompose in nature?
Chewing-gum, a plastic bottle, a cigarette butt
Are you allowed to take a call using an earpiece while driving in France?
Yes, No
What is the word with the closest meaning to consensus?
Divergence, ineptie, accord, supplément (Divergence, ineptitude, agreement, supplement)
If incorrect is the opposite of exact, then adroit (dexterous) is the opposite of:
Skillful, clumsy, strong, clever
Which word would fit both of these definitions: “A young classical ballet dancer at the Opéra de Paris” and “a miserly friend”?
Souris, punaise, rat, papillon
Conjugate the following sentences with the verb “porter”: Les robes qui ont été ... pour la sélection des 15 finalistes en 2022 étaient roses. Si je suis élue Miss France, je ... l’écharpe avec fierté
Portées / porterai, porté / porterai, portées / porterais, porté / poorterais
Which of these words is correctly spelled?
Infractus, gaufre, indemme, omnibulé
A huge plastic ‘garbage island’ floats in the Pacific ocean. How wide is it estimated to be?
Five stadiums, three times the size of France, an Olympic swimming pool
Which of these animal species kills the most people each year?
Hippopotamus, zebra, shark, lion
In the French Highway Code, which sign is represented in the centre of a road sign indicate ‘a give way’?
A triangle, a cross, a circle, an arrow
Check your score!
Remember that 25 or more is considered a high score for a non-French player!
Croatia ; Australia ; physics ; Marine Lorphelin ; Catherine Deneuve ; Nina Métayer ; Dubai ; 15 ; Rabat ; Japan ; Pacific ocean ; Charles III’s coronation ; The invention of writing ; Napoleon ; a train ; Opening a bank account without the approval of a husband ; Abbé Pierre ; Suriname and Brazil ; Five centimes ; 16 years old ; €12 ; 9.75/20 ; 132113 ; 47 days ; 2h30 ; CROUPE ; CE ; x = 1, y = 4 ; z = 7 ; Right ; Top Gun ; Simone de Beauvoir ; Bigflo et Oli ; Grammy Awards ; Toulouse Lautrec ; 2.5% ; a specie only growing in a specific geographic area ; a plastic bottle ; no ; accord ; clumsy ; rat ; Portées / porterai ; gaufre ; three times the size of France ; Hippopotamus ; a cross.