Alert over scam ‘useful numbers’ fridge magnets posted in letterboxes in France

A useful number magnet, with official-looking designs, is being posted into residents’ letterboxes

People in Gard especially are being warned against the scam ‘useful numbers’ list
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Mairies in southern France are warning residents to be aware of a new scam, in which a fake ‘‘useful numbers’ magnet is being delivered to homes by fraudsters.

The scam has been reported particularly in Gard (Occitanie). 

Magnets with an official-looking design; typically with a red, white, and blue or black border (see the top image on this Midi Libre page here) have been found posted into residents’ letterboxes.

They appear similar to the legitimate ‘useful number’ leaflets that are often genuinely posted by mairies, which often include emergency numbers, but also the numbers of local repair companies and other emergency call-out operators such as plumbers or electricians.

Scam numbers and companies

However some of these magnets and leaflets have recently been identified as scams. 

Read also: French renovation firms invented ‘norms’ to con homeowners into work 

They may list genuine emergency numbers (e.g. 15, or 17), but also list numbers that connect to fraudulent companies, or to those that use illegal or unscrupulous phone marketing tactics. These might include calling outside of designated marketing hours (once they have your number), going for the ‘hard sell’ over the phone, or offering too-high quotations for work.

Read also: Explainer: When and by whom can you be cold-called in France? 
Read also: Scams in France: watch out for these telephone prefixes 

The scam lists are not associated with local mairies, and authorities are now advising residents to be extra-cautious when receiving one of these leaflets or magnets, and/or when calling one of the numbers listed.

Avoid being caught out

Authorities recommend that residents dispose of any magnets or ‘useful numbers’ lists unless you are 100% certain that they are legitimate. 

If you are in Gard, and are battling with a dispute with a company on the list, or you have fallen victim to the scam, you are advised to report it to the Direction départementale de la protection des populations (DDPP) by email at: