Weather in France August 12 – August 16: Forecast by area this week

Heatwave continues before intense storms. Predictions for temperature, sun, storm, rain and more for the next 5 days

Sun and storms in French sky
Temperatures and weather conditions will change numerous times throughout the week
Published Last updated

A second successive heatwave hit France over the weekend, bringing temperatures of 41.7C to some areas of the south-west and it is set to continue into this week. 

Many areas will then face the risk of storms and hail as the week progresses, bringing temperatures drops.

Monday August 12

High temperatures from the weekend will continue everywhere. 

It will be hottest in the south-east and centre/north of France, with highs of up to 42C in the south-east near Nice, and 41C in Paris. 

This is up to 14C higher than August averages for the capital. 

Night-time temperatures are also high in many areas, particularly the south-east, where they have not dropped below 25C for a number of days. 

Elsewhere, most areas are seeing overnight temperatures of around 20C.

The national average temperature today is predicted to be 27.1C, more than 6C warmer than the average for mid-August. 

There are 40 departments facing a tier-three orange warning for heatwaves, ranging from the south-west to the north. 

In the Pyrénées, and parts of the east and north, storm warnings are also in place, all at a less intense tier-two orange level. 

Read more: What action is advised with different Météo France weather warnings

Tuesday August 13

Temperatures will begin to drop everywhere on Tuesday, but only by a few degrees. with heightened heatwave warnings set to remain in place at least until the end of the day.

A batch of cooler Atlantic air will arrive in the west, battling with the hot winds dominating France (and causing the current heatwave) and leading to storms. 

This will primarily affect the south-west in the morning but will move north-east across central France and to the German border by the end of the day. 

Hail is forecast across the storms’ path, particularly inland in the south-west and pockets of central France.

Wednesday August 14

Storms will continue to hit France on Wednesday, particularly in the east and Massif Central area, bringing temperatures back down to August averages.

Temperatures are set to drop by at least 10C compared to the weekend in all areas except parts of Brittany (which is not significantly affected by the heatwave) and the south-east, where they will remain high. 

Outside of the storms’ path, skies will be cloudy, and there will be some rain in Normandy. 

Mistral winds will blow strongly in the south, increasing the risk of forest fires. 

Read more: Storms in France: what to do if at home, out walking or in car

Thursday August 15 

Temperatures will have definitively dropped by Thursday, although will remain slightly higher than the national average for mid-August. 

Storms will have dissipated by Thursday – which is the Assumption public holiday – leading to sunny skies in the south, and cloudy but rain-free skies in the north. 

Highs of between 25C and 30C are expected except in Brittany and areas close to the Belgian border where it will be colder, and the Mediterranean, where both day and night-time temperatures will remain high. 

Friday August 16 

The outlook for Friday is similar although the classic north/south weather divide will become more prominent as the typical Azores anticyclone winds raise temperatures slightly south of the Loire. 

In the north, temperatures will remain similar, although a batch of rain moving in from the British Isles is set to hit Normandy and Brittany. 

The south-east, particularly around Nice and Corsica, is likely to see storms, finally bringing temperatures down in the area. 

Early predictions for the weekend and beginning of next week is for a second drop in temperatures, and by Monday (August 19), the national average temperature may be lower than usual August averages for the first time this month.