Weather in France August 5 – August 9: Forecast by area this week

Midweek storms, warm days. Predictions for temperature, sun, storms, rain and more for the next 5 days

Some storms are expected midweek but otherwise skies will be mostly clear
Published Last updated

France is set for typical August weather this week with warm but not excessive temperatures and mostly sunny skies, albeit with the risk of some storms.

The heightened heatwave warnings of last week have been lowered although several alerts at a less severe level remain in place along the Mediterranean coast. 

Monday August 5 

Today will mostly see sunny skies, except along the Brittany coastline and east of France, where it will be cloudy for much of the day. 

Temperatures will be roughly around average for the season – up to 28C/30C in the north, 32C in the south-west, and 35C along the Mediterranean coast. 

Tier-three orange heatwave warnings were lifted over the weekend, however tier-two yellow alerts remain in departments bordering the Mediterranean sea, including Corsica, and in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Vaucluse. 

Read more: Air conditioning at French home: what aid is available to install this?

Tuesday August 6

Conditions will remain mostly the same on Tuesday but a storm is forecast to move eastwards across the country from the western coast throughout the day. 

During the day it will mostly bring clouds and rain, however by the evening, when it settles in the Rhône valley, rain and lightning will become more intense, and hail may fall. 

Temperatures will remain mostly the same except in the south-east where they may rise slightly, but heatwave warnings are not expected to increase. 

Wednesday August 7 

Numerous but less powerful storms are expected across France on Wednesday. 

Storms are almost certain in the east around the Alps, and highly likely along the Swiss border and in parts of the Massif Central and Rhône Valley.

There is also the likelihood of storms in the Pyrénées, Pays-Basque, and north of France along the Belgian border. 

Thursday August 8

Storms are set to clear quickly, with temperatures remaining much the same. 

Cloudy skies are likely across most of the east but it is unlikely to rain.

Thursday will see the lowest national average temperatures in France, at 22C, yet this is slightly higher than the usual average for the beginning of August. 

The Mistral and Tramontane winds are expected to blow strongly in the south and may increase the risk of forest rise.

Friday August 9 

Once again, skies will be clear on Friday, with no rainfall predicted, and clouds only forecast in Normandy and along the English Channel.

Temperatures will begin to rise steadily on Friday, particularly south of Lyon and Bordeaux, reaching up to 37C along the Mediterranean. 

They will continue to soar throughout the weekend, with heatwave warnings likely to come into force either at the weekend or the start of next week. 

National average temperatures will reach up to 4C higher than usual for August. 

Temperatures in the south-west may reach over 40C on Sunday ( August 11).

Read more: Five things they do not tell you about summertime in France