Weather in France July 29 – August 2: Forecast by area this week

Very hot and then storms - predictions for temperature, sun, storm, rain and more for the next 5 days

Sun and storms / Summer sun and storms / heatwave and storms
France to face another week of high heat and powerful storms
Published Last updated

The next few days are set to see temperatures reach their highest of the year so far in France. The latter half of the week is then expected to see a new bout of storms.

Monday July 29 

The week begins with 39 departments facing a tier-three orange heatwave alert. Today is set to be the hottest day of the heatwave with temperatures of 40C predicted in some areas. 

Read more: ‘Intense’ heatwave alert for south of France with highs of 40C expected

Tuesday July 30 

Currently, the same 39 departments facing tier-three heatwave warnings will see them continue into Tuesday.

The number of departments facing alerts may increase, says state forecaster Météo France and this is particularly the case for departments in the centre and north which are not currently facing heatwave warnings, but border those that are. 

Alternative weather forecaster La Chaîne Météo (owned by Le Figaro) predicts some areas will see temperatures peak at 41C on Tuesday, but temperatures elsewhere will remain similar to Monday. 

Thunderstorms will start to form off the Atlantic coast in the evening, and begin to interact with the winds causing the heatwave but temperatures will not reduce immediately from the clash.

Wednesday July 31 

Similar conditions are predicted for Wednesday, with the heatwave continuing in the south, and high temperatures remaining. Storms may affect some parts of the western coast. 

Thursday August 1 

Temperatures are likely to start dropping this morning as storms begin to have an effect. 

The storms will likely cover much of France, spreading as far east as the German border, and potentially south to the Mediterranean coast overnight.

Temperatures are set to drop between 5C and 8C in most of the areas affected by a heatwave, however with the presence of stormy weather, conditions will feel tropical and humid at night, and in some areas will still remain significantly above seasonal averages throughout the day.

Météo France has not ruled out local heatwave alerts remaining into Thursday and Friday. 

Friday August 2 

Storms will continue to progressively move across France although the exact regions that will be most affected are not yet known. 

Early forecasts are for storms in the Pyrénées and south-east to be the most intense.