Weather in France October 14 - 18: Forecast by area this week

Highs of 26C for some, storms for others: Predictions for temperature, sun, storm, rain and more for the next five days

Storms are forecast again, although a temperature peak is expected at the start of the week
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A risk of storms in the south-east mitigates what will otherwise be a generally calm week in France. 

Light but persistent rainfall is expected in the north.

Temperatures will be higher than usual for the season, reaching up to 26C in the south-west - most likely the last time they will reach such levels before the autumn/winter drop.

Monday October 14 

Rain is expected in the north along the Belgian and German borders, although it will be mild. 

Elsewhere, calm but cloudy weather dominates.

Temperatures will be between 14C and 19C north to south – around 4C higher than average for this week – with two exceptions. 

Lille will struggle to reach above 11C, due to the rain and wind, and in the south-west a warm spell will raise temperatures to 23C - 25C.

This will increase up to 26C in some areas including Bordeaux, and at 21:00, it will still be 21C in coastal areas of the Pays-Basque.

There are no weather warnings in place, however some tier-two yellow alerts for river flooding remain in the north and around Paris, after storm Kirk passed through last week. 

Read more: Storm Kirk leaves one dead and trail of damage as it crosses France

Tuesday October 15 

Similar weather will persist on Tuesday, although skies will generally be cloudier.

The above-average temperatures will remain, particularly in the south-west where it is again expected to reach 26C. 

Sporadic showers are forecast in Brittany, Normandy, and the east of France. 

Wednesday October 16 

A fierce cévenol storm could begin on Wednesday, affecting the south-east and Massif Central mountain range.

The storm may begin Tuesday night in the Mediterranean, pushing its way inland early in the morning. 

However, forecasters are not certain of when its passage will begin, and it may begin later on Wednesday evening/Thursday instead. 

In the south-west and along the western coast, rainfall is expected as winds and rain clouds are pushed from the ocean into France by the arrival of former hurricane Leslie near the Portuguese coast. 

Rainfall will be more prominent in the Pyrénées. 

Thursday October 17 

Storms in the south-east will be in full swing by Thursday, affecting areas around Nice, Montpellier, and the Massif Central. 

Some forecasts predict around 100 mm of rain around Nice/Antibes/Cannes, and 160 mm in the Cévennes in the latter half of the week. 

Atlantic rains will also push inland on Thursday and Friday, covering the rest of the country with showers, or in central France, more persistent rainfall.

An increased risk of flooding is likely in central areas facing stormy weather, as soils are already saturated from last week’s storm. 

People should keep up to date with local weather alerts, either via the official Météo France website or local weather reports, if heavy rain arrives. 

Read more: Flooding: why it is important to check your French property damage policy

Friday October 18 

Storms will begin to diminish, but depending on if they began on Wednesday or Thursday, may continue throughout the day. 

Forecasters are uncertain of Friday’s weather, however, as the perturbations throughout the week will significantly affect how much rain falls, and where. 

Rainfall is likely to continue into the weekend, although further storms so far seem unlikely.