Weather in France September 16 – September 20: Forecast by area this week

Temperatures will rise in the north, with the south facing bout of storms. Predictions for temperature, sun, storm, rain and more for the next 5 days.

Temperatures in the north will rise to above average levels for most of the week
Published Last updated

France is currently wedged between two powerful winds – one from the British Isles, and one from the Mediterranean – which will affect the weather for much of this week. 

Conditions will vary regionally, more than usual, with the south facing the brunt of the poor weather expected. Temperatures in the north will be higher than average.

Monday September 16 

Despite the shifting wind patterns, the week begins with a classic north-south divide, with the north cloudy and facing showers, and the south sunny. 

Temperatures will likely reach around 20C for most of the country, rising to 25C-28C along the Mediterranean, and 25C in parts of west France. 

In the south, however, strong winds are expected, including the Mistral.

Tuesday September 17 

Conditions will flip on Tuesday, as the cloudy weather moves southwards, affecting areas between the Pyrénées and the German border. 

The north will see sunny skies, and the British anticyclone will raise temperatures slightly, up to 23C in Brittany and Normandy. 

Storms between Corsica and the south-east of France may move inland, affecting the Mediterranean coast, however temperatures will remain similar to those on Monday.

Storm Boris, which has killed at least 18 people across Central and Eastern Europe, may move into France, although will not be as powerful as in the east.

Currently, some tier-two yellow storm warnings are in place around the south-east for Tuesday, but warning levels may increase depending on how powerful the storms become.

Read more: Storms in France: what to do if at home, out walking or in car

Wednesday September 18

Similar conditions will continue on Wednesday, with the north experiencing sunshine and the south facing clouds and storms.

State forecaster Météo France predicts the warmest temperature – 24C – will be felt in Nice, but also Rouen, Rennes, and La Rochelle. 

Temperatures across the board will remain warm, as the polar winds which caused them to drop last week move northwards into Scandinavia.

Thursday September 19 

Thursday will see temperatures rise to above national average levels for mid-September, as the British anticyclone continues to bring warm winds to the top half of the country.

Highs of at least 20C are expected in all regions, and in the north, this will climb to 25C close to the English Channel.

The morning frosts that temporarily hit part of the north last week will disappear by Thursday, if not slightly sooner.

However, storms from Italy are likely to cross the border and hit the south of France, potentially stretching from the Alps to the Pyrénées, up into the Massif Central. 

Friday September 20 

Forecasters are uncertain how powerful the Italian storms will be, but they are likely to continue – or at least bring rain – to the south of France at the end of the week. 

Rain is also forecast in Brittany and Normandy, moving into central France over the course of the evening. These may also develop into storms, but this will only be known closer to the date. 

Temperatures will drop slightly, but remain at roughly average levels. 

A wet weekend is forecast, with all of France expected to face at least sporadic showers, rising to full storms in parts of the south.