Weather in France September 23 – September 27: Forecast by area this week

Storms, rain, and gales: Predictions for temperature, sun, storm, rain and more for the next 5 days

Most of France is set for a week of wet weather

France is set for a week of turbulent weather as Atlantic storms push through the country and hit most areas. 

Storms, rain, and gales are forecast, along with potentially hail, as temperatures remain stable but feel colder because of the strong winds.

Monday September 23 

Rain will fall across much of the east, from the German border to the Rhône Valley, and in the south-east along the French Riviera. 

It is also forecast in Normandy, particularly along the English Channel, and in the Massif Central. 

In the west, Atlantic storms will move in from the early morning, bringing heavy rain to the Vendée, with storms also hitting the Mediterranean coastline and Corsica. 

This evening and overnight, rainfall or sporadic showers are forecast everywhere except the south-east. 

Temperature highs will remain between 15C and 19C in the north, and 18C to 23C in the south – slightly lower than average for this time of year.

Tier-two weather alerts for storms are in place across the Mediterranean and western coast, which may increase in intensity throughout the day if storms become more powerful.

Read more: Storms in France: what to do if at home, out walking or in car

Tuesday September 24 

Tuesday is likely to be the quietest of the week in terms of perturbations.

However, a risk of rain is present in the morning throughout the north, with skies set to be grey.

Storms are unlikely to form, but with skies set to be unstable, forecasters cannot confidently predict this.

The south will see nicer weather, with clear skies from the south-west to the Alps bringing slightly warmer than average temperatures in the afternoon and evening. 

Wednesday September 25 

Fierce Atlantic storms will move inland on Wednesday, covering most of the country, particularly the north, east, and Alpine areas.

In fact, all areas except the south-east are likely to face multiple hours of rainfall on Wednesday. 

People should be cautious of flooding, particularly of rivers, as a wet few weeks means soils are saturated and unable to soak up excess rainfall. 

Read more: What to do (and not do) during heavy rain and flood alerts in France

Strong winds are likely but will become fiercer on Thursday.

Thursday September 26 

Gales are expected in most areas north of the Loire river, as well as in the east of France, the Massif Central, and the Rhône valley. 

They will likely reach around 70km/h to 80 km/h, but in some instances may be closer to 100 km/h, lasting for much of the day. 

Temperatures will not drop, and Thursday is set to be the ‘warmest’ day of the week nationally. 

However, it will feel significantly colder than stated temperatures in these windy areas due to wind chill, so be prepared to wrap up warm if going outside.

Friday September 27 

Rain and gales will continue on Friday, with the entire country except from the far south-east set for showers or more severe rainfall.

Friday is also the beginning of a short but sharp temperature drop, that will see the national average temperature drop to 5C lower than average over the weekend. 

You can keep up with all official weather alerts through the official Météo France website, although it only provides warnings 48 hours in advance.