Letters: Long-stay visas in France ‘are not as easy as minister claimed’
Senator Berthet is asking for a simplified visa process for British second-home owners in France
Watch the amazing shooting star show over France tonight – if weather permits
The annual display includes up to 120 shooting stars per hour
Letters: Saying bonjour really makes life easier in France
Connexion reader shares their experience of how a polite greeting can go a long way
Welcome home, Thomas!
Given that we are in the midst of a resource and pollution crisis down here on Earth, shouldn’t we have better things to do than put men and women on top of vertical fuel tanks and blast them at unimaginable expense into space so they can live for a few months in a high-tech orbiting caravan?
Most of us go gaga about space exploration as if it were somehow necessary (it isn’t: we can live without the non-stick frying pan) or even possible (it is, sort of: we may make it to Mars but forget about leaving the solar system).
However, there is one point of the exercise, as French returnee Thomas Pesquet, reminded us. Most of us really don’t believe that the Earth is lonely, fragile, unique, and worth looking after. Only when you look down from the outside, through the International Space Station’s cupola, do you really understand this.
It may be worth sending people into space just so they come back determined to be better Earthlings.