What is known about hunter’s death in southern France at weekend

The 56-year-old man is believed to have slipped and fired the fatal shot into his chest by mistake

The 2024/2025 hunting season started three weeks ago
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A hunter has died in southern France after being shot in the chest during an outing on Saturday (September 21).

The incident happened in Le Crestet, a small commune in the Ardèche department at around 14:30.

The 56-year old is believed to have shot himself by mistake. Another hunter, situated a few hundred metres from him, heard a noise and alerted the emergency services.

The man was found lying in a ravine that was difficult for the pompiers to access, and a helicopter was called to help attend to the victim.

Despite being given first aid, the hunter died at the scene of the accident.

It is thought he slipped on the uneven ground, causing him to lose his footing and shoot himself by mistake.

The hunting season began in France three weeks ago. In Ardèche, the first hunts of the year were organised on September 8.

Read more: Hunting season set to open in France: key information and calendar 

The department’s hunting federation (Fédération Chasse de l'Ardèche) called the incident an ‘auto-accident’ (meaning the victim shot himself) in a post on social media.

Hunter was husband of commune’s mayor 

The victim has been identified in French media outlets as Stéphane Blanc and is reported to be the husband of the mayor of Le Crestet (Marie-Laure Blanc), a commune with around 500 inhabitants. He worked as a farmer in the commune.

An inquiry has been opened by the court at nearby Carpentras (Vaucluse). 

Read more: How to keep hunters out of your garden in France