Letters: Patou dogs often run wild in France
Connexion reader says owners are dismissive of the danger
Letters: The cost of living is not always lower in France than in the US
Connexion readers share their views on energy, healthcare, education and daily living expenses
Letters: Our French village fête is literally booming
Connexion reader says traditional festivities have been replaced by three consecutive nights of loud music
When 300ml is not 100ml
I recently took a flight out of Toulouse airport and arrived at security with a bottle of mouthwash into which I had put 75ml of mouthwash.
The security guard would not let me through with it.
Asked why, he confirmed the criterion is not the volume of liquid but the volume of the bottle, 300ml in this case.
So, the 100ml maximum is for the container not the liquid as we are repeatedly told.
Dr Bob Seward, by email